Tag Archives: sewing

Finished my First Quilt

20 Dec

Well, it may be a Christmas miracle: Tonight I finished my first quilt. I enjoyed learning how to sew and quilt. It’s by no means perfect but it’s lovely and fluffy. Katie dog likes it anyways- she’s beside me sound asleep under it!

Thank you to everyone who ‘liked’ my last post and gave me some great tips! I’m looking forward to starting a table runner or coasters… any suggestions?

Until next time, Merry Christmas!



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Learning to Sew

9 Dec

Well, it’s been on my bucket list for a while: learn to sew.

I realized my time had come to learn when one of the guy’s I work with walked past my desk and casually said ‘Hey, want a sewing machine? Haha…’ He was carrying a sewing machine out the door. Immediately I jumped up and said ‘YES! I would love a sewing machine!’ He turned around and gave it to me, explaining that his wife didn’t want it anymore and he was to take it to the thrift store that evening.

All the way home from work I smiled and patted my new little machine that sat in the passenger seat. ‘Tonight I will learn to sew!’ I thought. Well, after googling ‘How to Sew’ I realized I needed thread, bobbins, special roller cutters and something to sew…some fabric. Tomorrow I would buy my supplies.

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After visiting ‘FabricLand’ the fabric superstore on my lunch break I was anxious to get home and start. I bought the cheapest fabric I could find that quasi-matched. I also read that I needed a iron and ironing board to ‘press my seams’. I didn’t have one so I borrowed my landlord’s for the time being.

When I got home from work, I continued to google sewing instructions. I learned how to thread my machine on YouTube and learned simple sewing techniques on About.com (http://quilting.about.com/). This site had wonderful videos and explanatory pictures with thorough instructions. As I was threading the needle on my machine, I turned on the switch on the side thinking it was just the light, not the ‘power’ switch. I was concentrating very hard on threading the needle when Katie-dog came over and stepped on the foot peddle. The sewing machine burst to life and the needle nearly stabbed my finger. Note to self: power off if fingers are underneath needle.

After much tinkering, I had a piece of brown fabric with some thread in it. My first creation!!!

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Having started two hours earlier, watching three 15 minute videos, threading my machine and having sewn my first piece of fabric in a straight(ish) line, I decided I should make a quilt. I’ve always wanted to learn how to quilt and I figured I was on a roll so, hey, why not keep googling and try to start one!?

The quilt I am making uses a Double Four Patch Block. I found the pattern and instructions here: http://quilting.about.com/od/blockofthemonth/ss/orange-and-pink-four-patch_2.htm

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It’s a very simple pattern. I studied the instructions and started immediately! Here’s my first attempt at the pattern:

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After I completed this square, I decided to start on the real thing. I stayed up until 1:00 am sewing that night! It was so fun! Here’s the progression:

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Photo on 2012-12-07 at 22.48 #2

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Well, that’s all I have so far! My friends think I’m crazy and weird for wanting to quilt but I think it’s awesome. I can’t wait to finish this quilt and learn how to put the border on and the batting and backing. I read that a quilt is like a sandwich.     I love sandwiches.

I plan to make a Star Trek quilt next if I can find the fabric.

Please let me know if you have and sewing tips or tricks! I would love the help! :)